Why Safe to Learn?
Interview with Safe to Learn Founder, Dolores E. Beaugez, MA
Interview with Safe to Learn Founder, Dolores E. Beaugez, MA
Every day we send our children and grandchildren to school, assuming they are safe to learn; yet, the frequency and severity of school violence, bullying, human-caused incidents and natural disasters affecting school children are escalating. It is time that every one of us work to together so every child attending school is truly provided the opportunity to be safe to learn.
Originally from Nevada, Founder of the Safe to Learn Community Project Dee Beaugez has lived in Washington State since 1999. For the past six years she has gathered a strong team of talented school administrators, school safety experts and experienced educators from California, Colorado, Kentucky Nevada, New York, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas and Washington. This brilliant cadre created leadership materials that are making amazing changes to the way school administrators approach school safety.
Beaugez believes leadership drives school safety. “Our world has changed substantially. I believe that school administrators (principals and assistant principals) must apply new, successful solutions to integrate safety, respect and inspiration into every aspect of education.”
More than 250 people have volunteered since 2011 to help with the Safe to Learn Pilot Project, including the 10 members of the Safe to Learn Advisory Council, “This powerful group of professionals guided and assisted in the development of the Safe to Learn Project’s cutting-edge tools, as well as producing books about leadership, safety, and lessons learned from past crises. These valuable lessons came from each author’s personal experiences as leaders in schools during and after major human-caused terrorism, human-caused incidents, natural disasters and also active shooter incidents.”
Lamar Consolidated Independent School District in Rosenberg, Texas was selected as the school district to participate in the Safe to Learn Pilot Test starting in 2013. Because of Principal Irma Nurre's commitment to leadership and school safety, she has served as the Team Leader for Safe to Learn Community Pilot Project at Lamar CISD since Fall 2013. She also believes without safety, learning is more difficult to achieve. "We have to educate students about choices and how these choices will impact their lives and their future."
“We discovered that one way to support school safety programs is to provide information that inspires leadership. This includes designing information easily shared with principals and teachers, who then can include the solutions in monthly school projects, as well as provide historical and educational facts to stimulate discussions in classrooms, as well as supporting academic requirements.
Safe to Learn launched this new endeavor gifting Ada Rosario Dolch’s Principles for Principals – Leading the Way to School Safety to every principal for FREE. Her breakthrough book details the importance of leadership and trust if communities truly want to protect their children against 21st Century threats. Read about Ada Rosario Dolch's book and then select “FREE” to register download her free book.
Why Safe to Learn? Continued to page 2
Originally from Nevada, Founder of the Safe to Learn Community Project Dee Beaugez has lived in Washington State since 1999. For the past six years she has gathered a strong team of talented school administrators, school safety experts and experienced educators from California, Colorado, Kentucky Nevada, New York, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas and Washington. This brilliant cadre created leadership materials that are making amazing changes to the way school administrators approach school safety.
Beaugez believes leadership drives school safety. “Our world has changed substantially. I believe that school administrators (principals and assistant principals) must apply new, successful solutions to integrate safety, respect and inspiration into every aspect of education.”
More than 250 people have volunteered since 2011 to help with the Safe to Learn Pilot Project, including the 10 members of the Safe to Learn Advisory Council, “This powerful group of professionals guided and assisted in the development of the Safe to Learn Project’s cutting-edge tools, as well as producing books about leadership, safety, and lessons learned from past crises. These valuable lessons came from each author’s personal experiences as leaders in schools during and after major human-caused terrorism, human-caused incidents, natural disasters and also active shooter incidents.”
Lamar Consolidated Independent School District in Rosenberg, Texas was selected as the school district to participate in the Safe to Learn Pilot Test starting in 2013. Because of Principal Irma Nurre's commitment to leadership and school safety, she has served as the Team Leader for Safe to Learn Community Pilot Project at Lamar CISD since Fall 2013. She also believes without safety, learning is more difficult to achieve. "We have to educate students about choices and how these choices will impact their lives and their future."
“We discovered that one way to support school safety programs is to provide information that inspires leadership. This includes designing information easily shared with principals and teachers, who then can include the solutions in monthly school projects, as well as provide historical and educational facts to stimulate discussions in classrooms, as well as supporting academic requirements.
Safe to Learn launched this new endeavor gifting Ada Rosario Dolch’s Principles for Principals – Leading the Way to School Safety to every principal for FREE. Her breakthrough book details the importance of leadership and trust if communities truly want to protect their children against 21st Century threats. Read about Ada Rosario Dolch's book and then select “FREE” to register download her free book.
Why Safe to Learn? Continued to page 2
Why Safe to Learn? Interview with Safe to Learn Founder Page 1 | Page 2
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