About Avagene Moore, CEM®
"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor." ~ Aristotle
My Dream of "A Nation Prepared"
Avagene Moore has over thirty-five years’ relevant experience supporting governmental and private sector companies in a career that started in Lawrence County, Tennessee and took her to state, national and international opportunities. Her expertise ranges from a career as a local emergency manager to time spent as the President of the International Association of Emergency Managers. Ms. Moore is currently a Certified Emergency Manager(CEM®) and a member of the International Women in Homeland Security and Emergency Management Hall of Fame. Due to her diverse career accomplishments and active involvement in peer associations, Ms. Moore has developed an extensive network of professional contacts in agencies and organizations at all levels, domestic and abroad. Her specialties include Management, Networking, Outreach and Communications, and Strategic Planning.
Key Experience
- Served as Sole Proprietor, President and Manager of the Emergency Information Infrastructure Project (EIIP), 501(C)3 educational nonprofit for 17 years (based in Lawrence County).
- Provided Outreach/Communication Support Services for Federal, State and Local Governments on behalf of DHS and FEMA.
- Coordinated, conducted and moderated Webinars for federal and contractual clients.
- Provided transcription and archival services for the EIIP business and clients.
- Experienced in creation and analysis of Surveys and Polls.
- Established professional network with Governmental, Private Sector, Industrial-Business, Academic and Volunteer Stakeholders.
- Wrote Video/PSA Scripts and Training Manuals for the National Guard Bureau (NGB) Visual Information Support Center (VISC).
- Trained/worked as FEMA Community Relations Disaster Assistance Employee (DAE).
- Administered local city/county emergency management program for 16 years.
- Served in Leadership Roles for IAEM and other peer emergency management associations
- Subject Matter Expert in emergency management, planning policy and practice.
- Skilled Public Speaker, Technical Writer and Editor.
Safe to Learn Advisory Council
Safe to Learn Advisory Council | Chate Asvanonda | Dr. Nancy Degnan | Renee Domingo | Kim Colella | Dr. Tom Horton | Kay Karr | Avagene Moore |
Sgt. Tracy Moore | Cpt. Jim Olsen | Barbara Thurman |
Safe to Learn Advisory Council | Chate Asvanonda | Dr. Nancy Degnan | Renee Domingo | Kim Colella | Dr. Tom Horton | Kay Karr | Avagene Moore |
Sgt. Tracy Moore | Cpt. Jim Olsen | Barbara Thurman |