The Best Response to Violence in Your School Is the Response Which Never Has to Happen by Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon
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Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon is an educator, an innovator, and a leader in violence prevention. It is her mission to work with schools and school administrators to prevent violence on their campuses.
The Best Response to Violence in Your School Is the Response which Never Has to Happen is not a guide on how to shelter children, how to “neutralize the threat”, or lock down your school. This guide provides practical interventions to identify and subsequently stop violence before it escalates to deadly levels and to understand violence as more than incidents which involve weapons.
At the end of each chapter you will find an exercise. The exercises are for principals, assistant principals and/or members of their school crisis team to complete. Each exercise is designed to have them experience, maybe briefly, how it feels today to be a student in an American classroom.
The Best Response to Violence in Your School Is the Response which Never Has to Happen is not a guide on how to shelter children, how to “neutralize the threat”, or lock down your school. This guide provides practical interventions to identify and subsequently stop violence before it escalates to deadly levels and to understand violence as more than incidents which involve weapons.
At the end of each chapter you will find an exercise. The exercises are for principals, assistant principals and/or members of their school crisis team to complete. Each exercise is designed to have them experience, maybe briefly, how it feels today to be a student in an American classroom.